I remember playing years ago and thinking the same.

Cooper_S65's picture
CS:GO 2020
I remember playing years ago and thinking the same.
RajjohinRajputro Looks like joey is actually holding that gun
Omar320's picture
CS:GO 2020
This makes my arm ache
JamesWilliamBradley Makes my arm feel awkward also.
Imogen Johnson's picture
Imogen Johnson
CS:GO 2020
I cri erytiem ;(
ChristopherEdginton And I played CS before CS:GO,
MariaHolmes21's picture
CS:GO 2020
exactly how I feel
LennyCarter63 Sometimes I wonder how my team do so well yet I don't
JasonWhitaker's picture
CS:GO 2020
Can anybody give me a link to the guy who made this?
KoteZabala So its like I'm a telly tubby and I'm playing with power rangers.
Cooper_S65's picture
CS:GO 2020
I remember playing years ago and thinking the same.
RajjohinRajputro Looks like joey is actually holding that gun
NeoRoll's picture
CS:GO 2020
Theyve even got medals attached to their trousers.
LeventTaskan One of those badges was from getting someone to laugh at a meme
Annabella_West42's picture
CS:GO 2020
When the bot has the bomb and running around the other side
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WalterWilcox's picture
CS:GO 2020
I shot a headshot on the guy behind me once.
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